Grandes Alamedas Patricio H. Sepulveda P.

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Grandes Alamedas Patricio H. Sepulveda P.
Grandes Alamedas Patricio H. Sepulveda P.
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UFO declassified

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UFO declassified Empty UFO declassified

Mensaje  Franchesco Sáb 23 Ene - 21:13:45


Mensajes : 676
Fecha de inscripción : 27/11/2008
Edad : 63
Localización : Chile

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UFO declassified Empty Re: UFO declassified

Mensaje  Franchesco Sáb 23 Ene - 21:15:30

World UFO Disclosure Campaign -

Write, call, or email Barack Obama at The White House about UFO disclosure.
Write to:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
Call: 1-202-456-1111


UFO Disclosure will happen during Barack Obama's Presidency. The 60+ years of lies and denial will crumble. WE THE PEOPLE are becoming more educated on the very broad history of the UFO cover up.

UFO's have been tracked on radar, and seen by high ranking military personal, airline pilots, and law enforcement personal. Project Blue Book was a PR campaign to quell the public's interest in UFO's.

The Condon Report was bias and had a negative opinion of UFO's from the start. The U.S. Air Force paid the Condon Committee $313,000 for it's report. It was bought and paid for. The U.S. Air Force uses the conclusions of the Condon Report to this very day to justify the termination of Project Blue Book and it's lack of interest in the study of UFO's.

Mensajes : 676
Fecha de inscripción : 27/11/2008
Edad : 63
Localización : Chile

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